
Customer Testimonials

We pride ourselves on the quality of work and the feedback we receive is taken very seriously. Take a look at what a few of our happy customers have to say about the service we provide...

Customer testimonials

Excellent service with fair pricing

"Recently had my daughter's car serviced at PANALEX, we are new to the area. Very good experience; service was priced fairly and completed on time. Friendly staff and well-organised garage. Thoroughly recommended".


Trustworthy garage

"Friendly and honest service from start to finish. I'm a skeptical person and I truly trusted these guys in my car. Thanks for helping at short notice!"


Brilliant service!

"I took my car in for the first time about 3 years ago on a recommendation and have been using them ever since. I had to call the RAC out recently and they also recommended PANALEX. Mike and his team are brilliant. If you want an honest, reliable and friendly service, visit this garage".

- AlishaS-8

Servicing, MOT, general enquiries

"Thank you, Mike and the team for your exceptional service, knowledge and efficiency.
I am pleased that I have a reliable garage to go to when I have problems with my vehicle. I will continue to highly recommend you and your team, not forgetting your efficient office staff, thanks, Jo and Ang".

- Jo50_

Repairs and MOT

"Fantastic garage where Mike and the team provide an excellent service and do a brilliant job at a fair price. I would recommend this garage A+ Service".

- JaneP-73

Top garage

"Fantastic garage where Mike and the team provide a wonderful good old fashioned customer service and do a brilliant job at a fair price. I have been using the garage for years after being recommended them by a friend and I would never go anywhere else now as they have been reliably brilliant in looking after my 16-year-old car for MOTs, servicing and repairs....I would have given them more than 5 stars if I could".

- CarolC-52

Power steering Matt

"I have been using PANALEX for some time now, I have always been met with a friendly face and great service, I recently had a problem with my power steering, they had the car in and found the fault.
They called me to explain the problem and a gave a very reasonable price, thanks PANALEX".

- MattF-10

Servicing and mots

"Wonderful family run garage with all the latest up to date equipment. from general repairs to bodywork repairs, mots, servicing and tyre fitting with the latest laser tracking equipment all in one garage. A very helpful and professional garage that I would highly recommend to friends and family. Great prices from a great garage".

- KateC-15


"I have been taking my cars to PANALEX garage for a number of years now, and I am so pleased with the service that I receive from Mike and his team. Their knowledge is exceptional and I would not hesitate in recommending this garage to anyone.
Thank you Mike and your team, keep up the good work".

- Jo50_

"Fantastic service every time 5*"

- Emmmac - 19/01/201

"Mike and his team at PANALEX are brilliant. I have taken my car here for MOTs and all work for over ten years now. They never let me down, nothing is too much trouble. They are reliable, helpful and don't rip you off. They communicate well any issues and always do their best for you. The office staff is friendly and efficient and I would fully recommend time and time again. I don't know what I would do without this fantastic team. Excellent Garage 5*."
- Johopebrowne - 18/01/2015
"The lovely PANALEX team are loyal, friendly and always aim to achieve outstanding service. They are always available when I have an emergency with my car and are flexible around my availability. They always complete any job I have within 5 working days or sometimes even on the spot! Thank you guys :)".
- Miss Baby Blue C3
Honest, Reliable and Trustworthy 5*
- RitaMT 07/03/2014
"I have found PANALEX to be open, honest and completely trustworthy every time I have taken my car to them. They are always happy to help, are able to book me in quickly and explain what's happening with the car. I would never use another garage again The lovely chaps at PANALEX! 5*.
- Wilding 24/08/2012
"The guys at PANALEX saved my day and possibly my life! I know that sounds dramatic but I will explain- I drove over to work and my lovely little Saxo began to rattle and knowing nothing about cars, of course, I started to panic! I called PANALEX and they said to bring it over straight away to be looked at. When I arrived I was greeted with a friendly team of staff and Nick was able to determine the problem and order the part promptly. I went home and in just over an hour I had the call to say the work was all done, I had a new exhaust. Once I had paid, Nick kindly offered to move my car out of the garage and was shocked about how bad the brakes were. They insisted on checking my brakes and thank god they did as bolts were hanging off and it was only a matter of time before they fell off, resulting in me having no brakes. And with a motorway journey on the cards this weekend it could have been fatal! All the guys were so friendly and took the time to ensure the brakes were fixed on top of giving speedy service on the exhaust. I would highly recommend PANALEX to anyone, it's difficult to find people to trust but these chaps are ... first rate and as you can imagine. my car will be going nowhere else. Excellent service + great prices= happy customer :) Brilliant place! 5*.
- Stacey1989 19/06/2012
As a young female, I have always been intimidated with car garages. But the guys at PANALEX are a group of really genuine, honest mechanics that take the time to explain what work was needed to be done to my car. This will be the garage I am going to use from now on and I will be recommending to all of my friends. A professional garage :) thanks, guys! HONEST GARAGE 5*
- MickyL 14/09/2011
"This small family owned business i have used since moving back from usa has great customer service , plus honest and rates that are very reasonable. plus the owner and the mechanics are friendly and have the time of day to talk to you!"
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